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Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Year: 2018Income Group: Upper middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Early in 2016, the Government of the Dominican Republic signed an agreement with the United Nations national office, the Dominican Association of University Deans, and the Dominican Association of Universities, creating a standardized way to work together in following and implementing the 2030 Agenda at the national level. As a result, academia is considered in the country report as a primary partner, fundamentally contributing to increasing availability of knowledge and depth of analysis.
Year: 2021Income Group: Upper middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Population with disabilities' support to reach the SDGs has been strengthened by promoting their development and participation under equal conditions. Among the initiatives to promote the appropriation of policies in favor of the population with disabilities, the National Disability Council created in 2017 the "Dominican Republic Includes" Seal of good inclusive practices for people with disabilities. The Seal recognizes public and private institutions' good practices to promote full inclusion and improve people with disabilities and their families' life quality in one of the following areas: more of the areas detailed below: Universal Accessibility, Education, Work, Health, Participation, Justice, Awareness raising, or production of Knowledge. Up to 2021, the government recognized 190 entities and 390 good practices with the Seal. The decision to grant the Seal is taken by an Evaluation Commission integrated by National Council on Disability members plus a UNDP representative.